Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Friday, July 20, 2018

3-Week Summer Vacation

See workout details below.  Google or see my email for movement specifics of each exercise. FYI, AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds As Possible


Week 1:  Perform each of the following in order throughout the week
-Workout A - 10 minutes AMRAP
-1 mile run, 2k meter row, or other cardio for 10 minutes (maintain a pace that allows no rest during)
-Workout B - 10 minutes AMRAP
-Tabata* run, row or other preferred cardio (running or rowing would be optimal but others fine)

Week 2: Same as week 1 but progressively difficult
-Workout A - 12 min AMRAP
-1.5 mile run, 3k meter row, or other cardio for 15 minutes (try to not take any breaks during)
-Workout B - 12 min AMRAP
-Tabata*, two times.  Run, row or other preferred cardio, preferably do two different cardio exercises with each tabata

Week 3: Same as week 2 but progressively difficult
-Workout A - 15 min AMRAP
-2 mile run, 4k meter row, or other cardio for 20 minutes (try to not take any breaks during)
-Workout B - 15 minutes AMRAP
-Tabata* three times.  Run, row or other preferred cardio. Okay to do 2 of the tabatas with same exercise


Workout A (fast twitch/slow twitch CNS battle):  AMRAP of the following:
-10 x dumbbell thrusters* (can substitute w/ kettlebells); pick as heavy of weight that you can to challenge yourself; try to use the same weight all three weeks unless you really chose the wrong weight the first week
-10 x box jumps (shoot for 16 - 30 inches for box height; around 24 inches is kind of a sweet spot for most people)
-10 x knees-to-elbow, push-up position

Workout B (push/pull): AMRAP of the following:
-5 x burpees
-5 x pullups (modify as needed if too easy or too difficult but don't take long to complete 5 reps; keep your heart rate going)
-10 x canoe-ups

* Tabata = 20 seconds all out sprint followed by 10 seconds of complete rest, repeated for total of 8 reps with a continuous clock, so one tabata should always take 4 minutes.  GO HARD and kill yourself.  You'd be amazed at the benefits of such nonsense.



10 rounds for time of:
5 x front squats or goblet squats
5 x scissor jumps*, each leg (10 reps total)
5 x ab rollers
5 x Hulks
5 x diamond push-ups

*aka alternating lunge jumpers