Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"upper body delight"

wod done on friday august 20th:
10 rounds for time:
4 hand stand push-ups
6 pull-ups
8 sumo deadlift high pull 95 lb
10 db chest press 65lb

kids stopped timer, silly rascals.


modified hero wod done on tuesday august 24th after 5k run outside:
for time 10 rounds of:
95lb thruster 10 reps
10 push-ups (rings if have them)
10 knees to elbows

time of 25:43. That blows my legs were fatigued from run wish I had just done this one fresh. I need to work on explosiveness and power I tend to grind out to much endurance sometimes. Push-ups performed with feet on bench and hands on two different chairs to get extra range of motion at bottom.

sit-ups and swings

wod done on july 17th:

10-20-30-40-50 rep rounds of:
air squats
(on push-up every other one clapping if you are crazy)

then no rest

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:
KB swings 1.5 pood

for time, Rx'd 23:18. On this one I was at 7:13 starting swings, sit-ups I think slowed me down even though I completed rep rounds no breaks on sit-ups I was just slow, for kb first 50 no break, then started chopping them up as needed. I have come to realize if you want a fast time you just can't take a break unless you passout or puke or something.

tuesday august 31st

wod for tuesday august 31st

ran outside loop around house time of 25:19 (distance of 3.7 miles)

5 min rest then do

for time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 push/jerk 135 lb
do 8 pull-ups between each round
Rx'd 11:01. pull-ups hardest for me here I really need to work on kipping


wod for august 18th wednesday

1.5 mile run (treadmill 9:30)

and then do

30-25-20-15-10-5 rep round of:
GHD sit-up
Back extension
Knee to elbow
95 lb stiff legged deadlift

Rx'd 19:14. Dizzy after this one and my hammies were not right for a week at least. I love crossfit.

squat n pull-ups/push-ups

with a continuosly running clock, on the 1st minute do as many squats (air) in 60 seconds, subtract your total number of squats from 60 seconds and perform that number of pull-ups in the next minute, in the third minute do as many squats as you can in 60 seconds, subtract your number of squats from 60 seconds again and perform that number of push-ups in the next minute. Do this for 3 rounds. If you do 60 squats in a minute, you won't have to do any pull-ups or push-ups the subsquent minutes. Your score will be total number of pull-ups and push-ups performed. Lowest score wins.

completed on wednesday august 25th as Rx'd. Score 78. I know you are going to kill me but at least I know I am a pansy.

monday august 30th

1 mile run

100 burpees

1 mile run

for time

Rx'd 25:53. Completed at Bingham High School track. I was sitting at 16:07 after 1 mile and burpees, legs and lungs would not work the last 1 mile felt like a snail, but I did not quit.