Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Warm-up routine

3 rounds of:
DB deadlifts, 15 reps
walking DB OH lunges
traveling burpees
*add exercise to equal amount of people, in this order: DB front squats, KB/DB swings, scissor jumps

10 minutes of alternating between:
1 min. DB push press, max reps
1 min. ab plank holds,

Thursday, March 22, 2018



Starters:  3 rounds of:
5 x burpees
1 x HS pushup
5 x toes-to-bar
1 x dead hang chest to bar pull-up

3 rounds of:
-Row 500 m, rest if done before 2 minutes
-4 x DB man-makers, rest if done before 2 minutes
-20 sec supermans / 10 sec transition / 20 sec body hollows / 10 seconds transition, repeat total 2 mins
-Rest 2 mins

*2 minutes at each exercise, then rotate.  Keep timer and switch at 2 minutes.  Stagger start if more than one person so everybody will start on rower and progress from there with everybody at different station.  So, 3rd person will wait 4 minutes to start exercising

Friday, March 16, 2018



AMRAP in 10 mins of:
5 x pullups
10 x pushups
15 x situps

Rest 5 mins

100 goblet squats for time with 6 x DB snatches EMOM (3 x each arm)

Monday, March 12, 2018



Tabata burpees: 8 rounds

rest 2 mins.

pyramid of pull-ups and dynamic side-to-side push-ups in 1:2 ratio
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 pullups
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 pushups

rest 2 mins

100 goblet squats for time but EMOM 6 x one-arm DB snatches (3 per arm)



1 round max rep HS pushups

In pyramid format, complete the following:
Round 1: 1 x pull-up, 2 x push-ups, 3 air squats, 4 sit-ups
Round 2: 2 x pull-ups, 4 x push-ups, 6 air squats, 8 sit-ups
Round 3: 3 x pull-ups, 6 x push-ups, 9 air squats, 12 sit-ups
add 1 x rep to each exercise with each new round up to round 10
Round 10: 10 x pull-ups, 20 x push-ups, 30 air squats, 40 sit-ups
Round 11: 9 x pull-ups, 18 x push-ups, 27 air squats, 36 sit-ups
then, continue to subtract 1 x rep from each exercise coming back down
Round 20: 1 x pull-up, 2 x push-ups, 3 air squat, 4 sit-ups

* After each round, complete 3 x DB Hulks

60 x DB Hulks
100 x pull-ups
200 x push-ups
300 x air squats
400 x situps

Monday, March 5, 2018



Death by DB Man-makers

In fight-gone-bad format, perform:
Bar-facing burpees
Ab rollers
Ab plank holds
Slam balls

*3 rounds. continuous clock. 1 min each exercise. 1 min rest between rounds.
**can start on any exercise but keep this order