Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

core essentials

strength work:
superset 4 sets of 12
db skull crusher (use 2 db lying flat on a bench)
db standing bicep curl (keep palm of hands supinated for all 12 reps)
db incline chest fly
5 rounds for time:
20 kb swings 1.5 pood-2 pood
20 ghd sit-ups
20 back extensions
20 knee to elbow

Monday, November 29, 2010

wod for 11-30-10

3 rounds of not for time:
5 reps shoulder press strict
3 reps push press
1 rep push jerk or split jerk
you cannot drop bar until end of round, rest at least 2 min between rounds, try to increase weight each round.

then for time complete the following wod:
15 hang power snatch 95 lb
15 burpee box jump 24"
10 double unders
12 hang power snatch 95 lb
12 burpee box jump 24"
20 double unders
9 hang power snatch 95 lb
9 burpee box jump 24"
30 double unders
6 hang power snatch 95 lb
6 burpee box jump 24"
40 double unders
3 hang power snatch 95 lb
3 burpee box jump 24"
50 double unders

post heaviest weight for skill portion and time for wod to comments

Sunday, November 28, 2010

couplet time

warm-up (buy-in to workout)
2 mile run at moderate pace
for time:
back squat bodyweight 20 reps
80 air squats
back squat bodyweight 15 reps
60 air squats
back squat bodyweight 10 reps
40 air squats
back squat bodyweight 5 reps
20 air squats

random blaster

wod recap for 11/26/10

4 rounds of:
500 m row
25 x reps bench press, 115 lbs.

did 200m challenge on rower

practiced sot presses and snatch balances

did 5 rounds of:
Hercules movement, DB
diamond push-ups

did 10 sprint swim intervals

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


wod for 11/24/10 to inaugurate the year Pres. Roosevelt made Thanksgiving an official holiday

For time:
run 800 m
then, do the following 19 exercises for 41 repetitions
jumping pull-ups
air squats
mountain climbers
scissor jumps
barbell lunges
barbell curls
diamond push-ups
knees-to-elbows, push-up position
box jumps
push press
OH squats
run 800 m

Monday, November 22, 2010

Death by a trio

wod for 11/23/10

Perform modified "death by" as follows for OH squats, snatches, and clean & jerk:

Do five OH squat reps the first minute, six the second minute, seven the third minute and so on until failure.

Rest as needed, then do the same with snatches and then clean & jerks.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

let deadlifts be your friend

wod for 11/22/10

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1

rest as needed, then

10 rounds for time of:
10 x deadlifts
10 x burpees

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wods for next 3 days

take 3 days to complete the following wods in any order or manner (1 per day, 2 a day with 1 rest period, or 3 a day 2 day rest)

wod 1 day 1:
choose one of the following sports:
bike, run, swim, c2 (row) and do the following;
120:60 (2 min on 1 min off) X 6 (6rounds of that)
'10 rounds of 7' for time:
7 hang squat clean 95 lb
7 stiffed legged deadlift 95 lb
7 med ball twist (sit on floor feet out in front while holding feet off ground touch med ball on one side move to other side and back as 1 rep)

wod 2 day 2:
for time:
run 1 mile
5 rounds of:
2 L-pullups
3 deadhang pull-ups
4 kipping pull-ups
(any grip and releasing from bar allowable)
8 round tabata scissor jump (to increase intensity hold dumbbells in hands during working periods or hold bottom of lunge during rest periods alternating which foot forward during rest)
5 rounds of:
2 L-pull-ups
3 deadhang pull-ups
4 kipping pull-ups
run 1 mile

wod 3 day 3:
10 rounds for time:
135 lb benchpress 10 reps
10 clapping push-ups
200 m sprint
100 v-ups for time

post times, comments under headings wod1, wod2, wod 3.

Monday, November 15, 2010

"concept 2 manmaker"

complete the following for time:
30 manmakers 35lb dumbbells, row 500m
20 manmakers 40lb dumbbells, row 1000m
10 manmakers 45lb dumbbells, row 2000m

Sunday, November 14, 2010


every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
10 weighted dips (in between 25 to 45 lb)
5 knee to elbows

then for time:
20 burpees
30 wallball (I will sub 45 lb barbell thrusters)
40 kb swings 1.5 pood
50 box jump 24"
40 kb swings 1.5 pood
30 wallball (sub 45lb barbell thrusters)
20 burpees

post weight for dips and time to comments

Saturday, November 13, 2010

"3 little wods and a little wolfie"

"little wolfie"
run 1.5 miles try to increase pace every .5 miles

rest 3 min

wod 1
6 rounds for time wearing 20 lb vest (if available):
3 push jerk 155lb
6 chin-ups
9 push-ups (feet and hands elevated off floor)

rest 2 min

wod 2
tabata back squat 115lb 8 rounds
rest 1 min
tabata air squat 8 rounds
score lowest round for each

rest 3 min

wod 3
5 rounds for time:
4 hand stand push up
8 kb swings 2 pood
12 ghd sit-ups

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Progressive Power

wod for 11/12/10

OH squat 1-1-1-1-1
snatch 1-1-1-1-1
clean & jerk 1-1-1-1-1

*try and increase load on each of 15 sets; record 1RM for each

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veteran's Day Tribute

wod for 11/11/10

3 rounds for time:
25 x OH lunge 35lb (1 pood KB) DB right arm
25 x OH lunge 35lb DB left arm
25 x 4-count knees to elbows, push-up position (R knee to L elbow...)
50 x swings, 35lb DB
50 x double-unders
500 m row or run

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Poker Time

group wod:
use all 2s, face cards, aces, and jokers from deck of cards and assign the following exercises to each card. face cards = 10 x reps; aces = 15 x reps; jokers = 50 x reps; 2s = 2 mins. time of exercise. shuffle the cards, turn them over, and take turns drawing from top card of deck. the person who draws is first to do exercise. choose heaviest weight to complete reps.

Heart: J=bench press, Q=med ball dynamic p/ups, K=moving DB p/ups, A=diamonds, 2=plank
Diamond: J=chest-to-bar pull-ups, Q=L-pull-ups, K=SDLHP, A=deadlift, 2=GHD/back ext.
Spade: J=OH squat, Q=snatch balance, K=front squat, A=back squat, 2=jump rope
Club: J=push press, Q=HS p/ups, K=snatch, A=clean & jerk, 2=barbell curls
Black Joker=burpees, 12" target; Red Joker=scissor jumps

Sunday, November 7, 2010

press before you sweat

Bench Press 1-10-1-20-1-30


7 rounds for time of:
3 x weighted pull-ups
5 x burpee box jumps
7 x diamond push-ups
9 x deadlifts

Friday, November 5, 2010

"half barbara" + "how bout some double unders?"

"half barbara "
5 rounds for time of:
10 pull-ups
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
25 squats
rest 1 min between rounds. 15 min cap total including rest so got to get after it.


"how bout some double unders"
500 double unders for time
every 75 double unders complete an 80 yd sprint
20 min cap total workout

Thursday, November 4, 2010

just messin around

run 5k

then 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds of
135 lb incline chest press
95 lb sumo deadlift high pull
reverse dips with 95 lb barbell across lap
40 lb dumbell chest fly
40lb dumbell bicep curl to be completd on even rep rounds only after holding db in a static bicep hold for 30 sec standing
not timed but to be completed moving from one exercise to the next at a steady pace

thrustin 2 for 1 modified

tabata treadmill run 8 rounds 20 sec on 10 sec off

rest 2 min

3 rounds for time:
115 lb thruster 10 reps
20 wall ball shots (12 lb med ball, all i got for now)
20 air squats
30 sit-ups

rest 2 min

tabata treadmill run repeat

"Bring it home" for time 5 rounds of:
75 lb thruster 10 reps
10 leg raises

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

'thrustin 2 for 1's"

3 rounds for time:
115 lb thruster 10 reps
2 for 1 wall ball shots 20 reps
30 sit-ups

see first comment

Monday, November 1, 2010

"pyramid helen"

for time:
1200 m run
63 kb swings 1.5 pood
36 pull-ups
800 m run
42 kb swings 1.5 pood
24 pull-ups
400 m run
21 kb swings 1.5 pood
12 pull-ups