Do 5 x mountain athlete barbell complex, which is 6 x reps each of:
deadlift, barbell row, hang clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push-up
*don't break the complex or set bar down; rest up to 1 minute between complexes; try
and increase weight with each complex
do 5 rounds for time of:
250 m row
5 x dive-bomber push-ups
5 x Mr. Spectaculars **
8 x goblet squats
Cool down with ab planks and bicycles
**Mr. Spectaculars is a DB clean and press followed by a caterpillar (walk-out on hands, do push-up, walk-back)
thanks to Cate in Montana for the good wod
ReplyDeleteWorked up to 135 lb on mountain athlete complex; completed wod as rx'd in 15:59 using 1.5 pood for Mr. Spectaculars and goblet squats.
Dive bomber push-ups are similar to hindu push-ups as far as I know with dive bombers being slightly more difficult since hindus are uni-directional