Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


complete for time:
25 walking lunge steps
20 pull-ups
50 box jumps, 20 inch box
20 double unders
25 ring dips
20 knee to elbows
30 kb swings, 2 pood
20 hang squat cleans, 35 lb dumbbell
25 back extensions
30 wall ball shots, 20 lb ball
3 rope climb ascents

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


30 rounds for distance:
30 sec rower
30 sec rest

Thursday, August 16, 2012


In teams of 2 complete:
100 curtis P's
200 OH plate lunges

only 1 partner works at a time divide reps any way you want

rx'd weight: men 105 lb barbell, 45 lb plate
women 65 lb barbell, 25 lb plate

then 6 X 250 m hill sprints
3:1 rest to work ratio so with longer recovery go all out.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


run 5 k

recover 5-10 minutes

complete 5 rounds of:
5 american swings 2 pood
40-30-20-10 yd shuttle sprint*
rest 60 seconds between rounds
*sprint 10 yd and back, 20 yd and back, 30 yd and back, 40 yd and back.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


3 round for time:
600 m row
25 burpees jump and touch target 12" above reach
25 box jump 24 in
800 m run

after 3 round straight into
2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 sets of bench press
rest 60 seconds between sets

post time and weight used for bench press

Monday, August 13, 2012


3 rounds for time of the following 21 exercises with reps alternating from 10 to 5 reps:
10 x DB press, 60 lb
5 x chin-ups
10 x shoulder abductors (forward 30 degrees focusing on supraspinatus), 12 lb
5 x toes to bar
10 x DB fly, 35 lb
5 x diamond push-ups
10 x GHD sit-ups
5 x ring pull-ups
10 x GHD back extensions
5 x ab rollers
10 x DB military press, 35 lb
5 x wide grip dead hang pull-ups
10 x step ups, 25 lb, 20" box, 10 per leg so 20 total
5 x ring dips
10 x DB shrugs, 95 lb
5 x L-pull-ups
10 x perfect push-ups
5 x DB two-handed tri extensions, 60 lb
10 x barbell curls, 65 lb
5 x romanian rows, 65 lb (straight leg deadlift and finish with standing upright row)
10 x front squat, OH squat, back squat (30 total), 65 lb

*all exercises need to be done un-broken; repeat if reps are deficient; record time to comments w/ any modifications

track work

3 rounds of:
run 200 m, rest time it takes to run 200 m
run 400 m, rest time it takes to run 400 m
run 600 m, rest time it takes to run 600 m

then, sprint 100 m twice resting just briefly between

Saturday, August 11, 2012


for time:
Part A
sprint 400 m
20 burpees
20 jump squats
20 push-ups
jog 400 m

repeat   part A

Part B
sprint 800 m
50 m bear crawl
50 m crab walk
50 m walking lunge
100 m shuttle sprint
jog 400 m

repeat part B

Part  C
sprint 1 mile
20 burpees
20 jump squats
20 push-ups
50 m bear crawl
50 m crab walk
50 m walking lunge
100 m shuttle sprint

"cash out"
100 sit-ups as fast as possible

Thursday, August 9, 2012


4 rounds for time:
30 jump and touch target 12" above reach
20 body weight deadlifts
10 hand stand push-ups

rest 5-10 minutes

8 rounds:
250 m row
rest to work ratio 1:1 (rest same amount of time it takes you to complete 250 m)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


9 rounds for time:
12 goblet squat 2 pood
400 m run
6 chest to bar pull-ups
9 clapping push ups
400 m run

Sunday, August 5, 2012


for time complete:
75 wall ball shots 25 lb 10 ft
75 kb swings 1.5 pood
1.5 mile run
75 swings
75 wall ball shots 25 lb 10 ft

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

8/1/12 addendum

8 rounds for time:
run 400 meters
90 sec rest between efforts

post slowest time to comments

after 30-20-10 rep rounds of:
db chest press
behind head 2 hand standing db tricep extension
bent over row

post weight used and time to comments


burpee 400 m

* complete burpee by jumping as far forward as possible then execute next burpee from that position; absolutely no going forward unless doing a burpee
** record time to comments


4 rounds not for time of:
10 x back extenstions
10 x GHD sit-ups
500 m row
10 x back extenstions
10 x GHD sit-ups
10 x ring dips
10 x hercules, DB
10 x diamond push-ups
10 x slam balls