Starters: 3 rounds of:
5 x burpees
1 x HS pushup
5 x toes-to-bar
1 x dead hang chest to bar pull-up
3 rounds of:
-Row 500 m, rest if done before 2 minutes
-4 x DB man-makers, rest if done before 2 minutes
-20 sec supermans / 10 sec transition / 20 sec body hollows / 10 seconds transition, repeat total 2 mins
-Rest 2 mins
*2 minutes at each exercise, then rotate. Keep timer and switch at 2 minutes. Stagger start if more than one person so everybody will start on rower and progress from there with everybody at different station. So, 3rd person will wait 4 minutes to start exercising
Row was hard but barely made the 500m,15lb DB man-makers