Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Monday, October 31, 2011



3 x 1 min. burpee max; rest 1 min. between

row 2K
8 min AMRAP of:
10 x GHD sit-ups
10 x ab rollers
10 x knees-to-elbows (push-up position); left and right = one rep
10 x knees-to-elbows (hanging)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

10/29/11 team wod

20 min AMRAP of:
1 round =
21 x OH lunges (holding 45 lb plate)
15 x SDLHP (95 lbs)
9 x man-makers, DB (40 lb DB)*

One person rows 500 m while the other person begins the first round. Once the 500 m row is complete, the teammates switch places and the round is resumed. Record rounds and reps completed in comments.

*For man-makers, keep DB in hand entire time. Begin in standing position, drop and do push-up, then one-arm row, then push-up, then one arm row with other arm then push-up, then perform a squat clean and press. That is one rep.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

for time:
10 deadlift 295 lb
100 anchored sit-ups
30 pull-ups
30 push-ups
1000 m row
30 push-ups
30 pull-ups
100 anchored sit-ups
10 deadlift 295 lb

7 rounds for time:
3 power snatch 135 lb
row 250 m

rest 5-10 minutes then
t. rice condition test
300 m shuttle run
(sprint 50 yard down and back 3 times for total of 300 yards)
rest 5 minutes
run 10 k

active stretch yoga
10 rounds each for time:
100 m sprint
rest 90 sec in between
3 rounds for time:
20 knees to elbows
20 power cleans 115 lb
20 burpees
5 rounds for time:
run 200m
20 pull-ups
run 200m
20 push-ups
run 200m
20 sit-ups
run 200m
20 squats

Sunday, October 16, 2011


21 kb swings 2 pood
1 wall climb
18 kb swings
3 wall climb
15 swings
5 wall climb
12 swings
7 wall climb
9 swings
9 wall climb

then 6 x 400 m sprints recover 1:00 min in between hold pace within 3 to 5 seconds

Thursday, October 13, 2011


front squat

then, 7 rounds for time:
15 med ball cleans
15 knee to elbow 2 count push-up position
15 ghd back extension
15 ab mat sit-up


bench press bodyweight

then, run 5 k

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


12 x 50 m hill sprints
rest as need between efforts

then, 3 rounds for time:
275 lb deadlift 5 reps
10 burpee box jumps 24/20

Sunday, October 9, 2011


for time with a 20 lb vest:
50 box step-ups 24 in box
50 deadlift 135 lb
50 box step-ups 24'
50 burpees
50 box step-ups 24'
50 power clean 95 lb
50 box step-ups 24'
50 push press 95 lb

cool down: 50 sit-ups, 50 4-count bicycle crunch, 50 4-count flutter kick, 50 mason twists.

Friday, October 7, 2011


skill work
10 min cap
complete 75 ring dips in as few sets as possible

then, for time:
21 kb swings 2 pood
21 knee to elbow
21 double under
18 kb swings 2 pood
18 knee to elbow
18 double under
15 kb swings 2 pood
15 knee to elbow
15 double under

then, run 5 k

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


5 rounds for time:
6 handstand push-ups
12 chest to bar pull-ups
24 walking lunges 35 lb db in each hand

then, endurance wod:
row 4 X 500 m, rest 1:00 min, hold pace within 2-3 seconds.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


for time:
40 alternating lunges 45 lb plate overhead
30 burpees
20 box jumps 24/20
10 muscle-ups (sub 10 rounds:3 pull-ups, 3 push-ups)
20 box jumps 24/20
30 burpees
40 alternating lunges 45 lb plate overhead


3 rounds:
21 pull-ups
30 overhead squats 75 lb
400 m run


run 10 k