One minute on, one minute off for 10 minutes.....
30 Kettlebell swings
You will have 1 minute to complete 30 kb swings. Then you will rest for 1 minute. This will be repeated for a total of 10 minutes. If you do not get 30 swings in a working minute, you will count a penalty. Each penalty will result in 25 sumo dead lift high pulls at 135lb to be completed afterwards.
For this workout, use the heaviest kettlebell you can while practicing good technique and challenging yourself.
Then....(rest as needed before beginning wod listed below)
10 rounds for time of:
10 burpees
15 ab mat sit-ups
20 double unders
um yeah so I have been humbled. I ate an entire humble pie for this one. I was thinking do 2 pood and go at it. I got 23 reps in 60 sec first attempt with 2 pood. I saw that was not going to happen so I dropped to 1.5 pood started over. On second working minute I only completed 27 swings I counted a penalty. I dropped to 1 pood for last 3 working minutes and that was still challenging but I completed it. I was thinking I could do 2 pood but with 30 swings a minute goes so fast you have to keep them unbroken basically and pull on the way down I think I pause to long at the top but I want the kb to be directly overhead with arms fully extended right to have full range of motion? Anyway I got a long way to go.
ReplyDeleteI rested 5 minutes and started for time wod. I completed that as prescribed in 19:12. I actually felt real good during that I was hoping for a sub 20 min time. I rested 2-3 minutes and completed 1 penalty of 25 reps sumo dead lift high pull, 15 unbroken then 5, and 5.
In regards to the two different forms of the KB swing read the CrossFit journal at
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are that both forms are good. Most of exercise community teaches it to eye height. CrossFit calls the swing to eye height the "Russian swing" and they call the overhead form the "American swing." Based on names alone of course I prefer the latter. However, I am not sure if the argument CrossFit makes for the American swing is perfectly sound. They argue from a power standpoint given the length of the swing's range of motion and the speed generated from the motion. Where I don't feel the argument is sound is saying that the body is facing the same force load when the KB is traveling from eye height position to the overhead position as it is when the KB is traveling from the bottom position up through the initial hip pop up to the eye height position. I don't feel it is. Think of the force load during a thruster or clean and jerk. I feel like the force load in the overhead position is more relevant with those two movements than it is with the American swing. But what do I know anyways.
Long story short - both are probably very good and as long as all athletes are doing same thing during 'for time wods' then it is all good. As for this wod, I feel it would be beneficial to do the Russian swing to fully optimize the workout as rx'd