8 min AMRAP of:
4 x power snatch, right arm
4 x push press, right arm
4 x OH lunge, right arm
4 x power snatch, left arm
4 x push press, left arm
4 x OH lunge, left arm
*use DB or KB as heavy weight as your heart desires; post weight and rounds to comments
then, rest 5 mins and do for time:
50 x double-unders
10 x burpees
40 x double-unders
10 x burpees
30 x double-unders
10 x burpees
20 x double-unders
10 x burpees
10 x double-unders
10 x burpees
*post time to comments
completed 8 rounds with just a fraction of a second left; filled that time gap with a deep grunt. Then, did as rx'd in 7:04