Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Snatch 75% of 1RM

8 rounds for max reps of:
push press, 75 lbs for 20 seconds
rest 10 seconds
scissor jumps for 20 seconds
rest 10 seconds
*count total reps and post as score

OR Wod option 2

For time, 5 rounds of:
20 x push press, 95 lbs
10 x ab roller extensions, touch nose in full extension