Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Monday, November 22, 2010

Death by a trio

wod for 11/23/10

Perform modified "death by" as follows for OH squats, snatches, and clean & jerk:

Do five OH squat reps the first minute, six the second minute, seven the third minute and so on until failure.

Rest as needed, then do the same with snatches and then clean & jerks.


  1. record point of failure for each exercise.

    these are our weights for the respective lifts based on our previous 1RM, mine listed on top.
    95, 100, 125
    70, 55, 110

  2. OH squat 75 lb failed during 12 rep minute
    snatch 95 lb failed during 11 rep minute
    clean and jerk 115lb failed during 10 rep minute

    holy cow this was crazy. i bumped it up on snatch because 55 lb felt too light rested 3-5 minutes between lifts clean and jerks were heavy from the beginning this i need a lot of work on form definitely.

  3. OH squat: 12 rounds 5 reps
    Snatch: 12 rounds 5 reps
    Clean & Jerk: 9 rounds 5 reps

    Brutal is the most fitting description. C&Js were insane after having already destroyed myself. My grip really wanted to give out.

  4. OH squat: 13 rounds 5 reps at 55 lbs.
    Snatch: 11 rounds 5 reps at 65 lbs.
    Clean & Jerk: 8 rounds 5 reps at 75 lbs.

    I think that these were the stats. I felt like my shoulder was the limiting factor on a few of these. Squats were probably a little light, should bump up to 65 or 70 lbs. next time and see what happens. Feelin like I could use a good long run. Muscles feel tight and good.

  5. There's a THIRD crazy out there?

  6. That is so sad Kristi that your dictionary defines legitimate intensity as 'crazy.' I would definitely return it and get your money back.

    Make no mistake, we are converting the world from mediocrity :)
