Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Saturday, November 13, 2010

"3 little wods and a little wolfie"

"little wolfie"
run 1.5 miles try to increase pace every .5 miles

rest 3 min

wod 1
6 rounds for time wearing 20 lb vest (if available):
3 push jerk 155lb
6 chin-ups
9 push-ups (feet and hands elevated off floor)

rest 2 min

wod 2
tabata back squat 115lb 8 rounds
rest 1 min
tabata air squat 8 rounds
score lowest round for each

rest 3 min

wod 3
5 rounds for time:
4 hand stand push up
8 kb swings 2 pood
12 ghd sit-ups

1 comment:

  1. little wolfie on treadmill finished in 9:07. started at 9.8 mph then 10.2 mph and finally 10.5 mp.
    wod1 rx'd 7:27.
    wod2 115lb back squat 6 reps, air squat 14.
    wod3 rx'd 9:29.

    run felt real good actually, so did wod 1. wod 2 115lb back squat tabata hurt bad in legs but also on shoulders and back because i didn't rack bar i didn't want to lose any of my 10 sec rest, by the time wod 3 was complete i was super dizzy and had one big dry heave where i know if i had eaten breakfast it would of been on the floor. i love this junk.
