Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wods for next 3 days

take 3 days to complete the following wods in any order or manner (1 per day, 2 a day with 1 rest period, or 3 a day 2 day rest)

wod 1 day 1:
choose one of the following sports:
bike, run, swim, c2 (row) and do the following;
120:60 (2 min on 1 min off) X 6 (6rounds of that)
'10 rounds of 7' for time:
7 hang squat clean 95 lb
7 stiffed legged deadlift 95 lb
7 med ball twist (sit on floor feet out in front while holding feet off ground touch med ball on one side move to other side and back as 1 rep)

wod 2 day 2:
for time:
run 1 mile
5 rounds of:
2 L-pullups
3 deadhang pull-ups
4 kipping pull-ups
(any grip and releasing from bar allowable)
8 round tabata scissor jump (to increase intensity hold dumbbells in hands during working periods or hold bottom of lunge during rest periods alternating which foot forward during rest)
5 rounds of:
2 L-pull-ups
3 deadhang pull-ups
4 kipping pull-ups
run 1 mile

wod 3 day 3:
10 rounds for time:
135 lb benchpress 10 reps
10 clapping push-ups
200 m sprint
100 v-ups for time

post times, comments under headings wod1, wod2, wod 3.


  1. i plan on doing one wod a day starting with 1 then 2 then 3. this is a little unorthodox but i thought i would post all three at once since i don't really know what all you've done this week except for tuesday. today is wednesday and i took a much needed rest day. also i got so many wods i want to do and try it is so hard to decide they are like angry sharks swimming in my head i am trying to will my body into doing them all but alas rome was not built in a day.....

  2. wod1:
    i ran on treadmill for intervals at 11.0 mph during 5th round i had to stop for 20 sec to tie my shoe, i don't think i warmed up enough because i was cramping in my right hammy anyway 10 rounds of 7 completed in 15:44this felt good at 95 lb i probably should of shaved some time off by pushing harder but i got through it.

  3. wod 2:
    did runs on treadmill and used 15lb DBs for scissor jumps; completed it in 25:39. I liked it. the second mile was challenging and so were the pull-ups.

  4. wod 2:
    ran on treadmill 15lb dbs for scissor jump; time of 28:48, nice job bro the pull-ups started to go round 6 the scissor jumps were hard with only 15lb i thought.

  5. wod 3:
    talk about an exercise of futility. replaced 200m sprints with 100 x jump ropes or 50 x double unders. Completed in 33:04. I definitely hit muscle failure.
