Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Sunday, November 21, 2010

let deadlifts be your friend

wod for 11/22/10

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1

rest as needed, then

10 rounds for time of:
10 x deadlifts
10 x burpees


  1. record deadlift 1RM and time for 2nd portion. Deadlifts for 2nd portion use 135 lbs or the weight you feel so inclined. For burpees, use 12" target and don't count reps for missed targets.

  2. well, I'd like to give out an official CrossFit welcome to Brit (my friend neighbor). He tackled the wod with me today and did extremely well for the newbie that he is.

    I recorded 1RM of 365 on deadlift and finished wod in 15:13. My form on my max lift was pathetic but I'll take what I can get. It felt like it had been forever since I went after that much weight. feels good to squeeze some of the pansy out of me.

  3. 1 RM of 345 on deadlift and finished wod in 15:39. That was fun dizzy at round 8 but felt great 10 min after finished.

  4. 1 RM of 300 deadlift and finished 7.5 of 10 round WOD in about 22 to 24 minutes. Sore all over.
