Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and determine to pay the price for a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast… and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential. -Epictetus

Friday, November 30, 2018



2 rounds of:
20 x OH KB lunges
10 x GHD back extensions
10 x GHD sit-ups
5 x weighted pull-ups

For time, 21-15-9 rep rounds of:
95 lb barbell thrusters

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


RoM routine

1 round of:
10 x Scissor jumps
10 x Diamond push-ups
10 x One-arm DB snatches
4 x DB one-arm shoulder press w/ alternate isometric bicep hold

7 rounds of 7 reps of the following 7 exercises:
DB Thrusters, heavy
Dynamic pushups w/ medicine ball
KB swings
Burpee Box jumps
Straight-leg deadlift

Monday, November 12, 2018


RoM routine

5 x wall presses

WOD: 10 --> 1: 
10 reps of these four exercises, then 9, then 8, down to 1 rep
DB Thrusters
Plyo pushups
KB swings

Monday, October 22, 2018


RoM routine/warm-up

WOD: Love Potion #9
2 rounds of 1 minute max repetitions of:
DB Thrusters
Squat Jumpers
Ab rollers
Rower, max meters
Jump rope
Curtis Ps
Burpee box jumps
Ab bridge hold

Thursday, October 18, 2018


RoM routine

Warm-up: Seven makes heaven: 
1 minute each of:
DB Thrusters
Jump rope
KB swings
Ab planks
Burpee box jumps
Row, max distance
K2E, push-up position

Pull-ups, alactic method: 
10 x Heavy, power reps with 10 seconds rest between each rep
8 minutes Tabata, alternating between:
Squat jumpers

Monday, October 15, 2018


RoM routine

2 rounds of:
2 x HS pushup
10 x OH DB lunges

In Fight Gone Bad format, complete following exercises:
Thrusters, DB
Slam balls (substitute KB swings)
Box jumps
Push press, DB

Thursday, October 11, 2018


RoM routine

20 x Turkish get-ups, DB

WOD (24 minutes):
Complete Tabata* of the following exercises with 1 minute rest between exercises:
Goblet squats or front squats
Supermans / Core Hollows, alternating each round
One-arm DB snatches, alternating arms each round
Push-ups / V-sits, alternating each round

*8 rounds of 20 seconds sprint and 10 seconds rest for total of 4 minutes


RoM routine

2 rounds of:
10 x diamond pushups
10 x air squats
10 x scissor jumps
10 x OH DB lunges

14 min AMRAP of:
5 x pullups
10 x DB thrusters
15 x box jumps
20 x K2E, pushup position

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Warm-up routine

2 rounds of:
20 x DB OH walking lunges
5 x toes-to-bars
5 x heavy DB thrusters
10 x box jumps
10 x K2E, push-up position

4 rounds of:
Row 300 m, then do
5 x DB man-makers during rest of 2:50

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Lung Busting

At a fast pace, Run 200 m, then 400 m, then 600 m, then 400 m, then 200 m
*After each length, rest for same time it took to run the distance allowing for fastest pace possible

Run 1.5 miles as fast as you can, stopping EMOM for following two exercises.
On odd minutes, do 5 jumping burpees
On even minutes, do 10 walking lunges

Monday, August 13, 2018



4 rounds of:
300 m row
5 x DB man-makers (within 2 min 40 seconds)

Friday, July 20, 2018

3-Week Summer Vacation

See workout details below.  Google or see my email for movement specifics of each exercise. FYI, AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds As Possible


Week 1:  Perform each of the following in order throughout the week
-Workout A - 10 minutes AMRAP
-1 mile run, 2k meter row, or other cardio for 10 minutes (maintain a pace that allows no rest during)
-Workout B - 10 minutes AMRAP
-Tabata* run, row or other preferred cardio (running or rowing would be optimal but others fine)

Week 2: Same as week 1 but progressively difficult
-Workout A - 12 min AMRAP
-1.5 mile run, 3k meter row, or other cardio for 15 minutes (try to not take any breaks during)
-Workout B - 12 min AMRAP
-Tabata*, two times.  Run, row or other preferred cardio, preferably do two different cardio exercises with each tabata

Week 3: Same as week 2 but progressively difficult
-Workout A - 15 min AMRAP
-2 mile run, 4k meter row, or other cardio for 20 minutes (try to not take any breaks during)
-Workout B - 15 minutes AMRAP
-Tabata* three times.  Run, row or other preferred cardio. Okay to do 2 of the tabatas with same exercise


Workout A (fast twitch/slow twitch CNS battle):  AMRAP of the following:
-10 x dumbbell thrusters* (can substitute w/ kettlebells); pick as heavy of weight that you can to challenge yourself; try to use the same weight all three weeks unless you really chose the wrong weight the first week
-10 x box jumps (shoot for 16 - 30 inches for box height; around 24 inches is kind of a sweet spot for most people)
-10 x knees-to-elbow, push-up position

Workout B (push/pull): AMRAP of the following:
-5 x burpees
-5 x pullups (modify as needed if too easy or too difficult but don't take long to complete 5 reps; keep your heart rate going)
-10 x canoe-ups

* Tabata = 20 seconds all out sprint followed by 10 seconds of complete rest, repeated for total of 8 reps with a continuous clock, so one tabata should always take 4 minutes.  GO HARD and kill yourself.  You'd be amazed at the benefits of such nonsense.



10 rounds for time of:
5 x front squats or goblet squats
5 x scissor jumps*, each leg (10 reps total)
5 x ab rollers
5 x Hulks
5 x diamond push-ups

*aka alternating lunge jumpers

Friday, June 1, 2018



WOD: 15 rounds for time of:
5 x burpees
4 x ab rollers
3 x pullups
2 x DB thrusters
1 x HS pushup

Thursday, May 17, 2018



11 x burpees
9 x diamond pushups
7 x L-pullups
5 x toes-to-bars

Burpee sandwich:
5 x burpees before, after, and between 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 rep rounds of:
Romanians (straight leg dead lift)
Sitting knee-ups

Total burpees: 50 reps

Monday, April 30, 2018



Tabata Time (23 mins):
Perform 6 reps in tabata format* of the following 6 exercises
(3 mins per exercise, then 1 min rest between each exercise)


DB Curls / Diamond push-ups

Ab Rollers


Supermans / Hollows

Thrusters / pullups

*20 sec maximal exertion / 10 sec absolute rest = 1 rep

Thursday, April 26, 2018



5 x wall climbers

Perform sets of pull-ups of reps 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2,
and complete 5 burpees between each set of pull-ups.
Total of 40 burpees

Rest 5 minutes, then:

Complete 10 min AMRAP of:
DB snatches, 5 x reps each arm
Goblet squats, 10 x reps
Knees-to-elbows, push-up position, 10 x reps

Monday, April 23, 2018



Part 1 (approx. 12 mins):
3 rounds of:
-Row 300 m
-Perform 5 x DB man-makers in 2:40

Rest 5 minutes

Part 2
AMRAP in 12 minutes of
10 x burpees
8 x pull-ups (any variety, to include weighted or lat pull-downs)
20 x K2E, push-up position
8 x DB Hulks

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Warm-up routine

Appetizer (try to complete in under 2 mins): start by 5:20am
2 rounds of:
5 x pullups
10 x pushups
15 x air squats

WOD: start by 5:25am
Depending on how many people, everybody can either do part 1 and part 2 sequentially or divide up and then alternate.

Part 1 (12 mins):  Complete 2 rounds of:
With running clock, complete 25 burpees in 3 mins; another person complete AMRAP in 3 mins of 10 x DB squats and 10 x DB curls. Then, after 3 mins., switch.  Each person will do twice.

Rest 1 minute

Part 2 (12 mins): Complete 2 rounds of:
With running clock, complete 500 m row in 3 mins; another person complete AMRAP in 3 mins of 10 x OH DB lunges and 10 x diamond pushups. Then, after 3 mins., switch. 

Monday, April 16, 2018



5 x reps HS pushups or 30 s HS pushup hold

5 rounds of:
In 4 minutes, complete:
15 x burpees
10 x L-pullups (any form of pull-up after failure, to include lat pull-downs)
10 x DB thrusters (heavy)

Thursday, April 12, 2018



2 mins. Farmer walk, DB OH

4 rounds of 1 minute of the following exercises:
Goblet squats/Front squats/Back squats
Ab plank hold

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Warm-up routine

3 rounds of:
DB deadlifts, 15 reps
walking DB OH lunges
traveling burpees
*add exercise to equal amount of people, in this order: DB front squats, KB/DB swings, scissor jumps

10 minutes of alternating between:
1 min. DB push press, max reps
1 min. ab plank holds,

Thursday, March 22, 2018



Starters:  3 rounds of:
5 x burpees
1 x HS pushup
5 x toes-to-bar
1 x dead hang chest to bar pull-up

3 rounds of:
-Row 500 m, rest if done before 2 minutes
-4 x DB man-makers, rest if done before 2 minutes
-20 sec supermans / 10 sec transition / 20 sec body hollows / 10 seconds transition, repeat total 2 mins
-Rest 2 mins

*2 minutes at each exercise, then rotate.  Keep timer and switch at 2 minutes.  Stagger start if more than one person so everybody will start on rower and progress from there with everybody at different station.  So, 3rd person will wait 4 minutes to start exercising

Friday, March 16, 2018



AMRAP in 10 mins of:
5 x pullups
10 x pushups
15 x situps

Rest 5 mins

100 goblet squats for time with 6 x DB snatches EMOM (3 x each arm)

Monday, March 12, 2018



Tabata burpees: 8 rounds

rest 2 mins.

pyramid of pull-ups and dynamic side-to-side push-ups in 1:2 ratio
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 pullups
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 pushups

rest 2 mins

100 goblet squats for time but EMOM 6 x one-arm DB snatches (3 per arm)



1 round max rep HS pushups

In pyramid format, complete the following:
Round 1: 1 x pull-up, 2 x push-ups, 3 air squats, 4 sit-ups
Round 2: 2 x pull-ups, 4 x push-ups, 6 air squats, 8 sit-ups
Round 3: 3 x pull-ups, 6 x push-ups, 9 air squats, 12 sit-ups
add 1 x rep to each exercise with each new round up to round 10
Round 10: 10 x pull-ups, 20 x push-ups, 30 air squats, 40 sit-ups
Round 11: 9 x pull-ups, 18 x push-ups, 27 air squats, 36 sit-ups
then, continue to subtract 1 x rep from each exercise coming back down
Round 20: 1 x pull-up, 2 x push-ups, 3 air squat, 4 sit-ups

* After each round, complete 3 x DB Hulks

60 x DB Hulks
100 x pull-ups
200 x push-ups
300 x air squats
400 x situps

Monday, March 5, 2018



Death by DB Man-makers

In fight-gone-bad format, perform:
Bar-facing burpees
Ab rollers
Ab plank holds
Slam balls

*3 rounds. continuous clock. 1 min each exercise. 1 min rest between rounds.
**can start on any exercise but keep this order

Monday, February 26, 2018



2 rounds of:
max reps HS pushups (max hold if can't perform one rep)
10 x toes-to-bar (knees-to-elbows as alternate)

20 min AMRAP of:
10 x DB back squats, heavy (at least 30% bodyweight)
20 x knees-to-elbows, pushup position
10 x DB 1-arm snatches (5 reps each arm, heavy, choose DB at least >20% bodyweight)
20 x Mountain climbers (10 each leg)

cool-down of your choice

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Warm-up routine

2 rounds of:
10 x ab rollers
10 x slam balls
10 x toes-to-bar (K2E as alternative)

4 minute Tabata of following:
-Supermans / Hollows
-Thrusters / Pullups
-Dynamic pushups / box jumps

*1 minute rest between exercises
**keep this order but can start from any exercise

Wednesday, February 21, 2018



2 rounds of:
10 x scissor jumps
10 x Knees-to-elbows, p/u position
10 x box jumps

100 DB Thrusters for time but w/ 4 x burpees EMOM
     *choose DB weight that is challenging, i.e., doing 20 consecutive reps should be challenging. I'm shooting for ~45% of my body weight

Monday, February 12, 2018



3 rounds of 5 reps each of:

12 min AMRAP of:
10 x Dynamic pushups
10 x goblet/front squats (goal is >40% body weight)
10 x knees-to-elbows, pushup position
10 x squat jumpers, bodyweight

Hulks, pec flys and/or HS pushups

Monday, January 29, 2018


Active joint prep

Warm-up workout:
2 rounds of 30 seconds each of the following exercises (warm-up pace):
pull-ups, dead hang
goblet squats
ab rollers
slam balls
HS pushups / hold

20 mins AMRAP of:
10 x burpees
5 x Hulks, DB (focus on strength)

1 min plank holds x 2

Sunday, January 21, 2018


The Warm-up routine

3 rounds of:
2 x HS push-ups
4 x burpees

For time: Pyramid format with V-ups sandwich
1st round: 1 pull-up, 2 push-ups, and then 3 air squats.
2nd round: 2 pull-ups, 4 push-ups, and 6 air squats.
3rd round: 3 pull-ups, 6 push-ups, and 9 air squats...
10th round: 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, and 30 air squats.
then come back down, so
11th round: 9 pull-ups, 18 push-ups, and 27 air squats
19th round: 1 pull-up, 2 push-ups, and 3 air squats.

Before 1st round, between each round, and after last round, complete 5 x V-ups

In total:
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
100 V-ups

*If you come to complete failure in any round before 10th round, no worries.  Just count that as the top of your pyramid and then work your way down after completing that round.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Chronic Fitness Warm-up

Warm-up WOD:  2 rounds of:
2 x HS pushups (or 10 sec hold)
4 x dead hang pull-ups
6 x pushups plus
8 x toes to bar (alt: knees-to-elbows, hanging)
10 x air squats

8 mins rower for max meters with EMOM* 5 x diamond push-ups**
REST 5 mins
8 mins man-makers, DB for max reps with EMOM 3 x L-pull-ups
*every minute on the minute

**If 5-6 people, alternate for row combo is:
With 8 minute timer, Two people row for 150 m, while others do 5 x diamond pushups and max reps box jumps before others are done with 150 m row, then switch

Monday, January 15, 2018


Warm-up routine

Warm-up workout:
Death by... pull-ups

Tabata* of the following exercises:
scissor jumps
slam balls
ab rollers

*8 rounds of 20s max effort, then 10s complete rest.  One minute rest between exercises

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Arrive at 5:15 and complete warm-up  (posted on left banner of blog)

Warm-up workout:
complete 20 reps of Curtis Ps*

*holding DBs in hands in front squat position, lunge forward with one leg then back up to standing, complete a shoulder press with both arms straight up and then back to front squat position, perform lunge forward with other leg and then back standing and complete another shoulder press = one rep

Workout of the day (WOD):
In fight-gone-bad format**, complete the following five exercises (17 mins):
Ab plank hold
Burpees, over the line (do burpee, jump forward over line placed on ground, turn to face line, do another burpee jumping over the line back to where you came from, repeating)

**perform each exercise for one minute, then move to the next exercise without rest.  After completing the fifth exercise, burpees, rest for one minute before starting again.  Complete 3 rounds

choice. work on weaknesses.  Possibilities include HS push-ups, L-sits

Add your comments to the comments section for feedback, for later recall of your progress, humor, etc.

Monday, January 8, 2018


Arrive at 5:15 am and complete the ~2 min circulatory starter and active joint prep (see prior post)

30 sec each of:
Squat jumpers
Knees-to-elbows, hanging position

Workout of the Day (WOD):
Two groups of two people:

Group 1:  will do 3 rounds of the following (~15 mins)
One person performs 4 x DB Man-Makers*
The other person will row 300 m and then do Ab-rollers, each rep performed before other person can complete the man-makers is worth 1 point
-compete to see who can get most points

Group 2: Both individuals will do the following for 5 rounds but at a staggered start (~15 mins)
20 x goblet squats
8 x Hulks**
1 min bridges

After 15 mins, group will switch and do the other station

* essentially a burpee, three push-ups, two-rows, and a clean and jerk, all in one with dumbbells
** a standing DB bicep curl that goes straight into a shoulder press

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Timed Trio 1/5/18

Circulation starter: 
row, run or cycle for 2 mins as you get in gym

Then, do active joint prep:
walk on toes with neck/shoulder ROM
walk on heels with elbow/wrist/finger ROM
butt kickers
high knees
quad stretch
high kicks / hip range
Samson hold 15 s both sides
J bends

Then, Warm-up workout:
Burpees, 3 rounds of: max reps 30 s, rest 30 s

Then, Workout of the Day, aka WOD:
Do each station as a 3 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible), then switch to another station
Do 2 Rounds (do each station twice)
Rest 60 s between rotating stations
Station 1: 200 m Row and 10 x diamond pushups (any form of pushup will work after failure)
Station 2: 10 x pull-ups and 20 x knees-to-elbows (pushup position)
Station 3: 10 x DB thrusters and 10 x ab rollers

Exercise practice
HS pushup
L-sit or L-pullup